Sem.1 Final: Artist Statement

During this first half of the school year, I've learned a lot about photography in Beg. Media Arts. I took photos and made sure that they were the way I wanted them and they were my artwork. We used a program called Adobe Photoshop to enhance our images or make them look completely different in some way. I liked using this software a lot because it helped me get rid of glitches that I didn't like in my images, I could crop, I learned to use the gradient tool and try out different fonts. This was one of my favorite part about this class because I could play around with my images.

Something I learned that was important about photography was how you framed your image and to develop your own style. That was something I tried very hard to do. I took photos from various angles, up, down, straight, etc. Only a few of the 200 or so photos that you take turn out to be really good. I felt I've perfected this almost and I could still improve but the way my images turn out like tells of how and who I am. A part of me is within that image and it shows. This class was really fun and I'd like to take it again.

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Type-pog-raphy = Typography !

This is the slideshow of my typography work. For this batch I've decided to use more of the personal photos in my life. I took quite some time making decisions on what type of font I wanted for each image to represent it well. As you can see, I was trying to be creative with my photos. In one of the images I had the words "Ahahahaha" in the shape of a fish because it was a funny photo. For the photo with the heart, I made the words "Love" wavy to sort of conform around the heart. In other images, I just made the lettering horizontal across to make a cold statement of what the images were about. I didn't want to be too fancy but I wanted to show another side. I really enjoyed working with my images using Adobe Photoshop and this project made me realize the originality of type fonts and how they could be used to set moods.

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